Friday, September 19, 2008

Some more comm. Tech shtuff

These are some more stuff I made for my Communications technology class.

This is for my add Compain

The next one is my game box.
Next one is my magazine, ain't it cool?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A word of rememberance for Ollie

I lost ollie to the bowls of underneath the sink. This time it is for good as far as i know. Even if i did find it, it would look like crap since it has a stuck shed etc. I really liked having Ollie around, it was my first snake that dosen't origionate in North America. Well i will alway remember her, and maybe she will pop up one day(hopfully not because of the cat)

On another thought I now have a rather stubborn(dosen't want to eat) ball python. Pretty soon i will be getting a piedbald hopfully to go with the other one so i can get rich lol.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Guess who I found!

I found my beauty snake here:

Under my pyjama pants.

She was extremly happy to be found:

I'm relieved.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Some bad news, for now

My taiwan beauty snake has escaped! I've looked in most possible places, but have had no luck recently. She has been missing since Sunday.

I can't walk very well, since my foot hurts so it makes it even harder for me to look around for her.

I hope I find Mrs. Ollie soon, or she will go the way of Taffy #1 (escaped for good).

Till then I'm not going to be very happy.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Something unrealated to Snakes

Graphic design stuff!!

This is my logo for my Communication Technology class

This is my better add for the made up Dubeau's Flower and pizza.

This is an add for Ulesman's art ehibit at the national art gallery.
This is a remade movie poster for "creature from the black lagoon" notice my logo at the bottom
My version of the new agenda colour. The teachers and principle will choose the best one during the summer.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Snakes of Kenya

Snakes of Kenya
Kenya has over 120 different species of snakes. That is too many to talk about in such a short period of time, so we'll focus on some of the more unique and interesting ones.

One of the most common snakes we even find at pet stores in Ottawa is the Kenyan Sand Boa. These boas do not get any longer than 60cm, which is the record. They usually get about 30cm. It looks like it has double heads, so that predators bite its tail instead of it's head. They eat lizards in the wild.

The african rock python is the third largest snake in the world and the largest in africa. It reaches over 30 feet. These rather large pythons have been sighted eating antolopes in the wild. A meal like that would last it over a year.

Kenya is also home to the amazing Egg-eating snake. Of couse as you know by the name of the snake, it eats eggs. The process of consuming an egg involves wrapping their mouth around it and drawing it into the throat and then flexing their muscles pushing the egg into the bony protrusions on their spine, which causes the egg to collapse in on itself. Then the snake carefully squeezes every last bit of liquid out of the inside of the egg, ending with regurgitation of the completely crushed egg shell.

The infamous black mamba is the most feared and universally known snake in the world. These are quite aggressive and very venomous. When they are defending themselves to a person they raise part of their bodies in the air and meet you face to face. It is the second longest venomous snake in the world rivaling the king cobra they get to about 4.5 meters. It also holds the number 1 spot for the fastest snake in the world. People claim the snake can move around 20km/h. This snake is what we are suppost to be fearing, not harmless garter snakes at the cottage.

Kenya has it's fair share of cobras aswell. Everything from the infamous egyptian cobra to the red spitting cobra. Cobras are famous for being rather hyper snakes which would explain why they are quick to act in the face of danger. Cobras are the masters at spreading their famous hoods, which is done by the spreading apart of their ribs.

Perhaps the nicest venomous snake in the world is the Yellow-bellied sea snake. It is so placid to people that you would think it was a harmless snake, but in fact it is one of the most venomous snakes in the world. Thank goodness they are so nice then and when they bite for defense they don't waste any venom.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My very first blog post!

This is my first blog post ever so i hope it dosen't suck too too bad.

Of course as you were able to see by viewing the site, you would know that i love snakes and am very passionate about keeping them. If you do not like snakes for whatever reason, perhaps you could learn to like them or at least appreciate them more by reading my stuff.

I love snakes because they never fail to fascinate me. Everything from how they eat to how they can crawl on almost every surfacew with so much ease. I know a lot of people don't like them because of what they eat; rodents, birds, eggs, slugs, other reptiles and even other snakes. Their diet helps keep their ecosystems in order. Just like cats and dogs hunt rabbits and mice. All animals are around for a reason whether you like it or not.

Well that's enough of me blabbing about why i like snakes etc.

I currently have 2 snakes, Ruffles and Ollie.

Ruffles is an albino checkered garter snake:

And Ollie the Taiwan Beauty snake: